Jackie Bellamy-Zions

To Rug or Not to Rug?

ISES MEDIA RELEASE from #ISESROME2018  To rug or not to rug? Horse owners are routinely putting rugs (blankets) on their horses all year round, however new research suggests that certain types of rug could be causing them to overheat. It has become routine (and even fashionable) for many domestic horses to be rugged all year round…

New Blog for 2019 International Society for Equitation Science Conference

A New Way of Looking At Horses February 9, 2019 | by Dr. Katrina Merkies “Since 2012 I have not missed an ISES conference. It is my most favourite conference to attend, and I have gotten to know amazing people from all over the world, all devoted to improving the quality of life for horses.”…

Fork’s Recovery From Fire

March, 2019 Story by: Equine Guelph “You never think it would happen to you, and one of your horses, until one day you wake up to a phone call in the middle of the night,” recounts Sarah Scott, member of the horse racing community for over 20 years, and owner of Fork. Since the first line…

Make a Point to Discuss Vaccinations with your Vet to Guard against Influenza and Disease

March 2019 Story by:  Jackie Bellamy-Zions A Real and present threat to your horse’s health More than 100 racing yards were on lockdown this past Thursday Feb 7 as horse races were called off due to a flu outbreak in Britain. All horse owners need to guard against the very real and present threat of equine…

Inquiring Minds Want to Know More About Biosecurity

Inquiring Minds Want to Know More About Biosecurity Guelph, ON – Spring consists of more than just cleaning.  There is much to do, planning ahead to maximize time spent with your horse and working towards your goals for the impending sunny months.  Regardless of riding discipline; everyone wants their equine partner to be healthy and…

Equine Conceptus photo by Dr. Keith Betteridge

So what has research done for the horse breeder lately?

Excerpted from Equine Guelph’s Spring 2010 Research Newsletter Highly fertile in the wild, horses are less so under management conditions that separate the sexes, remove mating choices and often call for foaling early in the year. Humans have been intervening in the breeding of horses for about 5500 years,[1] but research has contributed to the interventions…