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Discussion: How do we learn about horses? Is there a better way?

There are many horse owners that were unaware that a Code of Practice for horses existed, and few who are aware of the new Code released in 2013. Does it apply to you?   Is a Code of Practice necessary? Join in on the discussion in the Discussion Forum, thinking about the questions posed above.

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Discussion: “We all Have an Opinion” vs. The Science of Welfare – The Scientific Report

There is a joke that is common in the horse industry: Ask 10 owners and you will get 12 different answers!  So, why did the Code Committee need to work with a Scientific Committee to develop the Code? You may wish to have a quick perusal of the Scientific Committee report to find out more.


Share your thoughts in the Discussion Forum on the value of evidence-based information as a basis for Code development.

 DID YOU KNOW? The Code of Practice now provides the SPCA with a working document that sets out the minimum standards for horse care in Canada. This provides an important step forward in their work to support horse welfare, as it provides educational material to the horse owner under investigation and to the court of law and lawyers involved with the case.