Finishing off Unit 1 this week? (End of Week 2)

Hi Everyone, I hope you are working well through Unit 1 on the anatomy and physiology of the horse. If you are not quite done that section yet, don’t despair, as this program has built in time frames that can help you complete the course. So, next week, we start Unit 2, but continue working to finish Unit 1 as you can, and then plan on getting started on Unit 2 next week as you are able to do so.

Sharing a picture of a model horse of the Mongolian horse species.

A model of a Mongolian horse, also called a Przewalski’s horse after the person who first described them to European audiences, showing the classic “snake face”. This behaviour, with head outstretched toward the offending horse/person/dog with both ears flat back, and eyes tightly focused ahead, is demonstrated when one horse seeks to drive off another horse from getting too close. It is a warning sign to “Stay away! Back off!”

We choose well when we give a horse showing this behaviour lots of space!

To learn more about this breed of horse, you can visit: