
EIS Fall 2018 - Audience

Past Conferences:

Atlantic Canada Equine Symposium:

Leading Equestrian Industry Professionals, Equine Guelph, and Equestrian Nova Scotia explored gut health & colic, lameness, respiratory health, and equine welfare on October 5, 2024 at the Dalhousie Agricultural Campus Truro, Nova Scotia.

Equine Industry Symposium

8th Annual Equine Industry Symposium 2023: Stable Solutions

Nov 21, 2023 – Bridging the Labour Gap
Guest speaker Dr Kendra Coulter on current state of the industry

Nov 22, 2023 – Boosting Business Efficiency
Joel Lalonde, owner of Wynbrook Stables
Sean Jones from Sun Life on succession planning

Nov 23, 2023 – Buying into Business Fundamentals
Panel discussion featuring Sean Jones, Bronwynne Wilton, CEO of the Wilton Group consulting, Helen Richardson, Provincial Stable Program lead at Ontario Equestrian, and Karl Lagerborg, senior manager of racing operations at Woodbine. Facilitated by Dr. Kendra Coulter

7th Annual Equine Industry Symposium 2022: Horses in Human Health and Learning

November 23, 2022: Horses in education and adaptive riding

November 22, 2023: Horses in Human Health Services

November 21, 2022: Overview of Horses in Human Health Services

The 6th annual Equine Industry Symposium: OPPORTUNITIES hosted by the University of Guelph partnered with Equine Guelph, Equestrian Canada and Ontario Equestrian.

November 23, 2021: Inclusivity in the Equine Industry

November 24: Careers in the Equine Industry

November 22, 2021: Social License to Operate and Public Trust

The 5th Annual Equine Industry Symposium switches to virtual delivery
Nov 16 – 20, 2020
The theme: Resilience: Rethinking, Restructuring, Re-evaluating due to COVID-19.

Nov 16, 2020, Bronwynne Wilton from the Wilton Group gives a summary of the report provided to Equestrian Canada on the effects of COVID-19 on the equine industry. An open discussion with Danielle Glanc, farm policy analyst with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Jonathan Zammit, executive director of Ontario Racing, and Christine Reupke, director of Equestrian & Breed Sport at the Royal Horseshow in Toronto, Canada will provide insight on how they viewed and approached the pandemic from their respective equine communities. To make your voice heard, please fill out this survey prior to the symposium to let us know how the pandemic has affected you.

Nov 17, 2020, Melanie Barham discusses farm and business planning. Sean Jones from Sunlife Financial provides a 5-step action list for designing a recession-proof financial plan. Catherine Willson, equine lawyer, and Mike King from Capri CMW insurance discuss insurance implications and risk mitigation in light of COVID-19.

Nov 18, 2022 examines the effects of the pandemic on horse welfare. Gayle Ecker, director of Equine Guelph, presents the minimum standards of care as outlined in the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Equines. Roly Owers, CEO of World Horse Welfare, analyzes what welfare means and how to cope with pandemic restrictions without compromising welfare. Bettina Bobsien discusses responsible decision-making for older and retiring horses.

Nov 19, 2022 Stewart Everett, UK Equine Register, and Nic de Brauwere, Redwings Sanctuary, outline the traceability program in the UK. Kristy House from Equestrian Canada gives a summary of how traceability will be implemented in Canada and how it will assist with emergency situations like the pandemic.

Nov 20, 2022 address from Assistant Deputy Minister Frederic Seppey, Market and Industry Service Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Cananda, on how the equine industry is positioned and how the ministry can support the industry moving forward. Kristy House, Equestrian Canada and Tracey McCaugue-McElrea, Ontario Equestrian, discuss how industry organizations are helping the industry as a whole. The symposium concludes with highlights of some of the positives that have emerged from the pandemic.

Everyone involved in the horse industry, be it as an owner, competitor, facility manager, discipline specialist, trainer, coach, official, business owner, recreational rider, or any of a myriad of other roles, faces both daily and long-term challenges in sustaining their particular equine pursuits. Underlying our focused engagement there are themes that are common to all of us and they require our collective attention. At stake are both the welfare and well-being of the horse and the long-term health and growth of our industry in all sectors.

First among these themes is, of course, the horse. Ultimately, it’s all about the horse. And, it is also about issues that affect all of us, such as how we recruit young people to join us with their youthful energy and ideas for the future, how we build support for our industry among those presently on our periphery, and about how we build standards into our industry to keep us abreast of legislation, societal expectation, best practices, and fiscal realities. Better yet, how do we get ahead and lead rather than react or follow, and how do we stay ahead?

Discussing these and many other issues, without primary reference to any discipline boundaries, is something in which we all need to engage. That’s what this industry initiative is about: coming together and sharing ideas, insights and energy, exploring commonalities, and identifying collective solutions. We have so much to gain with a common vision!

More info about the Equine Industry Symposiums

International Equitation Science Conference 2019


Thank you for attending ISES 2019 – Bringing Science to the Stables! For further conference updates, as well as a PDF copy of the proceedings, please watch the ISES official website at: