Tribute Gifts | Hoofprints Program

Make a memorial or honour donation to Equine Guelph as a loving way to pay tribute to horses and horsepeople – both living and deceased.
Submit a tribute message/photo to remember a departed friend forever on Equine Guelph’s Hoofprints Tribute Wall.
Memorial Gift
Pay tribute to a cherished horse or horseperson. By dedicating an Equine Guelph donation in their memory, their legacy will live on by helping others through supporting Equine Guelph’s important education and research programs.
A memorial gift gives grieving folks from the horse community a positive means to cope with the devastating loss and a loving way to honour the memory of a horse or horseperson.
Equine Guelph’s donation form gives you the option to request that Equine Guelph send a notification letter to the grieving party to express sympathy and acknowledge your generous gift in their name.

Honour Gift
Make a tribute donation to Equine Guelph to recognize an outstanding horseperson/horse who has made significant contributions to the equine industry. A notification letter from Equine Guelph will be sent to this horseperson/owner, acknowledging your thoughtful gift in their name.