On to Week 2, continuing Unit 1! And your Live Webinar, DLO and eManual!

Welcome back to Week 2 of the OEEEP program! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend enjoying the weather, and now are ready to get back to our class. This week you continue to work on Unit 1, about the horse and we have a virtual class, “What is Welfare?” on Tuesday, June 18th at 11 p.m. The link for this is provided below for the Virtual class. Hope to see all of you there tomorrow!

As for your study schedule:

Week 1: Unit 1

Week 2: continue Unit 1

Week 3: Unit 2

Week 4: Unit 3

Week 5: Unit 4

Week 6: Unit 5 and 6 and complete all activities and quizzes.

The course will be open for two more weeks at the end to give you time to review, save links, etc.

Don’t forget to complete your readings in the eManual and open the DLO (digital learning object with videos, narration) for each week!

To join the webinar, use the link below on Tuesday

__LINK for Tuesday Meeting______________________________________________________________________________
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 231 243 857 768
Passcode: 3ekUKz

For organizers: Meeting options