Equine Guelph Research

Good Things in Small Packages – Stem Cell Therapy Updates

“It’s approximately four millimeters in diameter,” exclaimed Ontario Veterinary College researcher, Thomas Koch, unable to contain his excitement. The tiny disk of equine cartilage, manufactured in the OVC lab, is full of potential. A cartilage injury can mean the end of an athlete’s career. Damaged joint cartilage does not repair on its own and often…

Equine Conceptus photo by Dr. Keith Betteridge

So what has research done for the horse breeder lately?

Excerpted from Equine Guelph’s Spring 2010 Research Newsletter Highly fertile in the wild, horses are less so under management conditions that separate the sexes, remove mating choices and often call for foaling early in the year. Humans have been intervening in the breeding of horses for about 5500 years,[1] but research has contributed to the interventions…