Equine News

Horse drinking water

Preventing Dehydration in Horses

Authors: Dr. Mike Lindinger & Gayle Ecker With exercise, the body temperature rises. This heat must be dissipated, or the horse will literally “cook”!  The body cools itself through the evaporation of sweat, so sweating is especially important for the exercising horse. The sweat contains water and electrolytes, or salts. The main electrolytes are sodium,…

Who Knew Equine fun facts, line drawing

Horse Trivia Time!

Are you ready for an e-book full of fun facts all about equines? Equine Connection and Equine Guelph have partnered on an online educational initiative, “Who Knew? Fun Facts & Why it Matters. After collecting input from our followers and adding a few of our own lessor known truths, the e-book is ready to share. …

Foal beside mare

Study to Examine Selenium blood concentration in Ontario Broodmares and foals

Selenium deficient soil can lead to several conditions in domestic animals including white muscle disease.  Of importance to Ontario horse breeders is the fact that most foals are born with low blood selenium concentrations.  Some clinical signs of low selenium levels may include dysphagia or weak suckle reflex due to pharyngeal/masticatory muscle weakness.  Southern Ontario…

Give the best possible care to your horse with Equine Guelph healthcare tools

Equine Guelph Healthcare Tools for the Win!

One can go down many rabbit holes searching on the internet for horse health advice and Dr. Google is known to serve up many popular myths.  Over the years, Equine Guelph, the Centre for the horse at the University of Guelph has developed twelve free interactive online healthcare tools to help horse owners provide optimal…