Host Your Own Clinic: Horse Behaviour & Safety – FREE for Coaches and Facilities only

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FREE for coaches and facility managers with a valid provincial horse federation membership!

Host your own Horse Behaviour and Safety workshop at your stable or riding facility!  

With the teaching resources included in this kit, you can host your own Horse Behaviour and Safety workshop.  In this kit, you will find lesson plans, activities, printable resources, videos and more! These lessons together can comprise a one-day workshop, or can be delivered individually as per your facility’s needs. Who should lead this workshop? The workshop can be a business opportunity for leaders, with a fee attached, or offered free of charge to participants. Equine Guelph recommends that workshop facilitators are qualified industry leaders such as: Equestrian certified coaches and boarding/lesson facility operators.

Horse Behaviour and Safety - Two horses in a field

Coaches and facility managers can benefit from taking our Horse Behaviour and Safety short online course to prepare for hosting a workshop!

Equine Guelph recommends that workshop leaders also complete the Horse Behaviour & Safety Short Online Course on The Horse Portal.  This will help familiarize leaders with the course material and develop a teaching strategy for hosting their own workshops.    

Horse Behaviour and Safety Youth Course - Girl and horse

Our Horse Behaviour and Safety Youth course is ideal for younger students (14-17) to learn the material on their own!

Equine Guelph also recommends that workshop students complete the Horse Behaviour & Safety Short Online Course (offerings for youth 14-17 and adults) on The Horse Portal to build on their understanding of the material. The content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and Equine Guelph accepts no liability or responsibility for its outcomes. Who should attend this workshop? This workshop is designed for horse people (ages 14+) who would like to learn more about the best practices for handling horses safely. This workshop is ideal for those new to horses including; new owners, new riders, mounted police units and first responders.

Donations Appreciated! As all of the training resources are available free of charge, Equine Guelph asks that you consider making a donation to help us deliver more award-winning education programs that will help horses and their care givers.

Goal of this workshop: To provide practical training in horse behaviour, handling and safety to young adult and adult horse caregivers (especially those new to horses). The goal is not to simply teach safety measures to participants, but to give insight into the psyche of horses – how they see and hear and why they behave a certain way. Once participants have a firm understanding of horse behaviour, teaching the safety aspect will fall into place naturally and make more sense. This teaching strategy, combined with using actual horses as part of the knowledge transfer method, will result in retention and changed behaviour. Please Note: Even people who are experienced with horses can be injured by them. When participating in activities that require close contact with horses we suggest you use great care and if you are unfamiliar with horses we recommend you work closely with someone who is an experienced and safe horse handler.

Comments or Questions about the Horse Behaviour and Safety Workshop Kit? Please contact Susan Raymond at [email protected] Please contact us if you are hosting a workshop: Please let us know if you are holding a workshop and we will add your event to our “events” webpage. Jackie Bellamy-Zions [email protected]

Workshop Resources

1. Introduction and The Horse in the Wild – A Herd and Flight Animal

2. The Modern Day Horse

3. How Horses See and Hear

4. Horse Behaviour

5. Horse Handling/Approaching a Horse

6. Rider/Helmet Safety

7. Safe Trailer Loading

8. Safety Around the Barn and Paddocks

9. Fire Safety

10. Additional Resources

Federation Members – Coaches and Facility Managers Only