Are your Equine Finances in Order for Tax time?
Looking to make the most of your equine business expense claims this tax time? Sign up for Equine Guelph’s free monthly e-communications to gain access to resources like an informative video with BDO finance expert Glenn Ventrcek.
If your receipts are all in a shoe box and you are wondering which expenses you can claim for your equine business, you are not alone. Glenn discusses tips for organizing equine related receipts and highlights some of the lesser-known deductions in a 20 minute video geared towards putting more green in your next tax return.
Here is a sneak peek of the Equine Finances for Canadians video:
Watch the full video for more useful information on how to set up your finances. Glenn answers the common questions like what can be claimed for food expenses and what vet bills can be claimed.
Glenn also goes over claiming items that depreciate, reporting revenue and losses and what to do in case of an audit.
He also touches on questions for those getting started in the horse industry like financial resources available for start-up, incorporating your business, registering for HST, preparing loan applications and more.
To access Equine Guelph’s Members Only page and watch this helpful video full of financial record keeping advice for your horse business, sign up for Equine Guelph’s free monthly e-communications now at
Ready for another amazing resource for taking your horse business to the next level?
Equine Business 101 short online course at takes you through the process of developing a business plan. The on-demand course with one year of access to expert videos, discussion boards and handy links provides resources to help you run a successful equine facility. Sign up at: