Ontario Racing
Three breeds | One vision
Ontario Racing is a non-profit horse racing industry association and is recognized by the provincial government as the authority for horse racing in Ontario. The new organization gives horsepeople in the province significant control and responsibility over their future.
Ontario Racing is establishing new ways of doing business and building new relationships. Ontario Racing is committed to listening to horsepeople and giving them a voice, in support of a vibrant racing industry.
A Partnership in Training
Ontario Racing is partnering with Equine Guelph to deliver short, easily-accessible online training programs to trainers, assistant trainers, and grooms in Ontario. This practical approach to online learning will keep the Ontario racing industry up-to-date on the latest information and education in regard to equine welfare, safety and performance.
Thanks to our incredible racing industry education partners, Equine Guelph will host two racing-exclusive short courses on TheHorsePortal.ca in winter of 2025 – FREE for AGCO licensees and Standardbred Canada members! (value $95).
- Racehorse Respiratory Health (Jan 27 – Feb 7)
- Racehorse Gut Health & Ulcer/Colic Prevention (Feb 24 – Mar 7)
These courses are sponsored by: Central Ontario Standardbred Association, HBPA of Ontario, Ontario Racing, and Standardbred Canada!
- (If you already have a Horse Portal account, log in using your user name and password)
- Visit the course page for Racehorse Respiratory Health or Racehorse Gut Health & Ulcer/ Colic Prevention
- Click “Register Now”, then under “FREE for AGCO Licensees & SC Members!” click “Enroll”
- On the registration page, fill in the required fields, then under “Order Summary”, click “Have a Coupon Code?” and enter the appropriate coupon code
- For Racehorse Respiratory Health, enter RespiratoryHealth2025
- For Racehorse Gut Health & Colic Prevention, enter GutHealth2025
- Click “Apply coupon” – this will bring the course cost down to zero
- Agree to the terms and conditions, and click “Continue” – you are now registered for the course!
In the week prior to the beginning of the course, you will receive a welcome email from TheHorsePortal.ca with more information
Space is limited – Register Today!
Discount price available to valid AGCO license holders.
- Visit the course page for the online short course you are interested in
- Please register using the General Enrollment option at the bottom of the page
- On the registration page, under “Have a Coupon?”, enter ORdiscount15
- Click Apply Coupon to receive your 15% discount
What students are saying about our short online courses!
“This course was very informative and truly interesting. There was a lot of information covered on the subject and it was broken down in sections each day. Was very enjoyable to take.”
Krista Cole, Thoroughbred Trainer
Student – Gut Health & Colic Prevention Course
“Thank you for providing this course! My husband is a 3rd generation full-time Standardbred trainer and was pretty much born and raised at the race track. We thought he knew everything there was to know based on the generations of knowledge he had in his head. By the end of the first day of the course, we were already discussing possible new strategies and techniques. By the end of the 3rd week, we realized how little we actually knew and are now implementing many new methods to lessen the chances of colic happening at the track and at the farm. All trainers should be asked to take this course before they can be certified.”
Nancy Tamblyn and Kevin Sampson
Standardbred Owners, Breeders, and Grooms
Students – Gut Health & Colic Prevention Course
“I highly recommend this course for anybody interested in horses or owning a horse from being a first time horse owner to being a very experienced horse person. This course is easily understood and very well detailed in explanation of all topics. Those who have been in the industry for years I am sure will still learn something and those who are just beginning in the horse business or just horse leisure, this course is a must.”
Debra Rombis – Thoroughbred Trainer (Fort Erie, ON)
Student – Gut Health & Colic Prevention Course
“I am more confident I can apply immediate first-aid attention to help my horse and can bridge the time between injury and the veterinary care.”
David Oliphant – Owner, McMac Adventurers (Sarnia, ON)
Student – Gut Health & Colic Prevention Course