Saddle Up Safely

Horseback riding is a popular activity for people of all ages but it has a high risk of injury. All too often, riding injuries occur due to lack of education or understanding of equine behavior and proper riding practices. In fact, a current study shows that half of equine-related injury patients believe their injuries were preventable and due to rider error. Through Saddle Up Safely, UK HealthCare seeks to educate current and future riders about the simple steps that can be taken to prevent accidents.

A Partnership in Training and Certification

Saddle Up Safely is partnering with Equine Guelph to provide members of its partner organizations with short, easily-accessible training programs so members have the opportunity to stay up-to-date on the latest information and education in regard to equine safety and welfare.

Saddle Up Safely Partner Benefits

Saddle Up Safely is partnered with equine and safety organizations throughout the United States, and as a member of these partnership organizations, you will receive a 10% discounted rate when registering for our short online courses!

*Prices are in Canadian, 10% discount applied to Canadian course price.   Subject to current exchange rates


  1. Visit the course page for the course you’d like to take
  2. Please register using the General Enrollment option at the bottom of the page
  3. On the registration page, under “Have a Coupon?”, enter sus2024
  4. Click Apply Coupon to receive your 10% discount.